The Corporate Saving Glut and Falloff of Investment Spending in Oecd Economies Imf Economic Review


We explore the increase in the internet lending of non-financial corporations across the OECD post-obit the global financial crisis. We document that this ascent reflects both increases in saving and declines in investment. Panel regressions reveal that the fall in investment beyond OECD economies was by and large in line with fundamentals—Gross domestic product growth, involvement rates, and profits—though in some countries the weakness was more pronounced. We observe little bear witness that firms were reducing investment to strengthen their rest sheets, equally payments to shareholders remained potent and were uncorrelated with investment. We conclude that, at to the lowest degree from the investment side, the ascent in corporate cyberspace lending probably does not reverberate a shift in corporate behavior relative to past norms.

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  1. Greenbacks hoarding may be associated with corporate net lending, either because corporations have increased their saving relative to investment in order to eternalize their greenbacks holdings, or merely considering corporations are parking their excess saving in liquid avails. Just there is no direct human relationship between corporate net lending and cash hoarding. For instance, if corporations desired to strengthen their liquidity positions, they could issue long-term liabilities and learn liquid assets, without any change in their internet lending positions. Past the same token, if corporations boosted their saving relative to investment but used these actress resources to repay debt, this would show up as a rise in net lending but no change in their cash holdings.

  2. The departure between corporate profits and the corporate saving discussed earlier is that corporate saving is defined as profits minus net dividend payments.

  3. Dissimilar definitions of greenbacks flow are used in the literature; we utilize profits after payments of taxes, involvement, and rents, because those payments are non controlled by the firm in the short run. For discussions of greenbacks flow and investment, see, among others, Fazzari and others (1988), Hubbard (1998), and Cummins and others (2006).

  4. Buybacks are negative when disinterestedness issuance exceeds share repurchases past firms.


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Correspondence to Joseph W. Gruber.

Additional information

*The authors are Deputy Associate Managing director and Director of the International Finance Division, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551, United states of americaA. They can exist reached at and The views in this paper are solely the responsibleness of the authors and should non be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or of any other person associated with the Federal Reserve Organisation. Michael DeDad and Tessa Morrison provided superb inquiry assistance.

Electronic supplementary material

Appendix A: Data Description

Appendix A: Information Description

Land Sample: Republic of austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, U.s..

Data Sources and Descriptions

GDP: Real and nominal GDP are from the OECD Economic Outlook.

GDP and Investment Deflators: From the OECD Economic Outlook with the exception of the U.S. which are taken from the BEA National Accounts. The OECD investment deflators are for Gross Fixed Capital Germination. For the U.S., the investment deflator is for Private Fixed Investment.

Real Uppercase Stock: From the OECD Economical Outlook.

Investment, Profits, Cyberspace Dividends: All data are for the non-fiscal corporate sector with the exception of Switzerland where the data are for the total corporate sector. Data are from the OECD National Accounts, with the exception of the U.South. and Canada where data are from their respective national Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts.

  • Investment is divers as gross stock-still capital formation.

  • Equally described in the text, profits are defined as the gross operating surplus less net interest payments, hire, and taxes.

  • Net dividends are the distributed payments of corporations plus reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment in the domestic economy less the distributed income of corporations and reinvested earnings of domestic corporations abroad.

Share Buybacks: The negative of the net incurrence of equity liabilities from the OECD National Accounts. Except for the U.S. and Canada, where the data are from national Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts.

Involvement Rates: x-year sovereign bond yields from the OECD Economic Outlook. Except for Estonia where the lending rate as reported in the Globe Bank World Development Indicators was used.

Depreciation Rate: Productive capital letter stock scrapping rate as reported in the OECD Economical Outlook.

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Gruber, J.W., Kamin, Due south.B. The Corporate Saving Glut and Falloff of Investment Spending in OECD Economies. Imf Econ Rev 64, 777–799 (2016).

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